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Manage users, roles, and permissions

Keeping your workspace organized and secure is essential for smooth project management. Plane makes it easy to control who can access your workspace, what they can do, and how they collaborate with others. This guide will walk you through managing members, assigning roles, and understanding the permissions associated with each role.


Each user in your workspace has a role, which defines their level of access and permissions. Here’s a quick overview of the available roles:

  • Admin
    Admins have full access to everything in the workspace. They can manage members, update settings, and perform all actions across projects, cycles, and modules. If you're an admin, you’re essentially running the show.

  • Member
    Members are your core team. They can create, edit, and delete content in projects, cycles, and modules. Members also can create new projects. This role works well for collaborators who need to contribute to day-to-day tasks.

  • Guest
    Guests are external collaborators—like clients or contractors—who need limited access. They can only view the specific content they’ve been invited to. This role is perfect for keeping outsiders in the loop without giving them full access.

Grant view access to Guests

You can turn on this setting in Project Settings > Members. Enabling this setting allows guest users to view all project issues, providing them with broader visibility into the project's progress and details. This is useful for external stakeholders who need full context without editing permissions. Grant guest users view access


Permissions define what actions users can take within a workspace or project. By assigning appropriate roles, you can ensure everyone has the right level of access to collaborate effectively while maintaining security.


Access Workspace settingsxx
Create Workspacexx
Update Workspacexx
Delete Workspacexx
Add userxx
Remove userxx
Change user rolexx
Manage Project statesxx
Manage Billing and plansxx
Manage Integrationsxx
Manage Importsxx
Manage Exportsxx
Manage Webhooksxx
Manage API tokensxx
Manage Worklogsxx
Your workx
View private projectsxx
View public projectsx
Join private projectsxx
Join public projectsx
Your favouritesx


PermissionWorkspace AdminProject AdminMemberGuest
Access Project settingsxx
Create Projectx
Update Projectxx
Archive Projectxx
Delete Projectxx
Add userxx
Remove userxx
Change user rolexx
Enable featuresxx
Manage issue statesxx
Manage issue labelsxx
Manage Estimatesxx
Manage Automationsxx
Manage issue types and custom propertiesxx
Add Project to favoritesx
Publish Projectxx
Copy linkx
View Archived projectsx


PermissionWorkspace AdminProject AdminMemberGuestGuest with
view access
Create Issuexx
View IssuesxGuests without view access can only see their own issues accepted through Intake.
Edit Issuexx
Duplicate Issuexx
Copy linkxx
Archive Issuexx
Delete Issuexx
Edit Issue propertiesxx
View Issue activityx
Log workxx
Add Commentsx
View Commentsx
Add Reactionsx
View issue types
Use issue typesxx


PermissionWorkspace AdminProject AdminMemberGuest
Create Cyclex
View Cyclesx
View Cycle issuesx
Edit Cyclex
Add issuesx
Archive Cyclex
Delete Cyclex
Copy linkx
Add Cycle to favoritesx
View Cycle detailsx
Filter Cyclesx
Search Cyclesx


PermissionWorkspace AdminProject AdminMemberGuest
Create Modulex
View Modulesx
View Module issuesx
Edit Modulex
Add issuesx
Archive Modulex
Delete Modulex
Copy linkx
Add Module to favoritesx
View Module detailsx
Add links to Modulex
Sort Modulesx
Filter Modulesx
Search Modulesx


PermissionWorkspace AdminProject AdminMemberGuestGuest with
view access
Create View
See ViewsxGuests without view access can only see the Views they create
Edit Viewx
Add issuesxx
Delete Viewx
Sort Viewsx
Filter Viewsx
Search Viewsx
Add View to favoritesxx
Publish Viewxx
Copy linkxx


PermissionWorkspace AdminProject AdminMemberGuestGuest with
view access
Create Pagexx
View Pagesx
Edit Pagexx
Archive Pagexx
Delete Pagexx
Add Page to favoritesxx
Publish Pagexx
Copy linkxx
Sort Pagesx
Filter Pagesx
Search Pagesx


PermissionWorkspace AdminProject AdminMemberGuestGuest with
view access
Create Intake issue
View Intake issues Guest without view access can only view the Intake issues they create
Edit Intake issuexx Guest without view access can only modify the Intake issues they create
Accept Intake issuexxx
Reject Intake issuexxx
Snooze Intake issuexx Members can't snooze issues created by other users
Mark duplicatexx Members can't mark duplicate Intake issues created by other users
Delete Intake issuexx Members can't delete Intake issues created by other users
Add attachmentsMembers and Guests can only attach files to the Intake issues they create
Modify Intake issue propertiesMembers and Guests can only modify Intake issue properties they create
View activityx
Add commentsx
Add reactionsx
Copy linkx
Sort Intake issues
Filter Intake issues

Manage Members

You can manage the members in your workspace by navigating to Workspace settings > Members.

Add member

Invite user

  1. Click on Add member. This opens a modal where you can:
    1. Enter the email addresses of the user you’re inviting.
    2. Assign the role to Admin, Member, or Guest.
    3. Click Add another to add multiple users.
    4. Finally, click the Invite button.

Once invited, members receive an email notification.

Self-hosted users

Ensure your SMTP server is properly configured to send invite emails successfully. See Email for more information.

After the user accepts the invitation, they’ll be added to the workspace. If they don’t accept or decline, you can manually remove the pending invitation.

Update member roles

Update user role

  1. Locate the member whose role you want to update.
  2. Use the role dropdown to promote or demote their role.

Admins can update any member's role, while regular members can only promote others to the Member role.

Remove member

Remove user

  1. Find the member you want to remove.
  2. Click the Remove option next to their name.

Once removed, they’ll immediately lose access to the workspace and its projects.